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How to Launch an App: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful App Launch

How to

In a world where apps have become the heartbeat of our daily lives, the journey from concept to download requires a well-crafted map and a compass calibrated with innovation. In this guide, you’ll discover the essential steps to launch an app so it makes a lasting impression on users and secures its place in the digital landscape.

Key app launch statistics in 2023

Before we dive into the process of app launch, let’s take a look at some significant statistics:

  • In 2023, it is anticipated that mobile applications will contribute to a revenue surpassing $935 billion.
  • The Google Play Store boasts a collection of more than 2.5 million applications.
  • The number of apps in the App Store is over 1.6 million.
  • On average, Americans glance at their phones approximately 262 times each day, translating to a check every 5.5 minutes.

Mobile app launch step-by-step process

Before you launch your app, it’s important to thoroughly get ready, especially taking into account the statistics mentioned above. This preparation will help ensure a successful app launch and performance in the competitive landscape

Step 1. Thoroughly understand your industry

Before delving into the details of launching an application, it’s crucial to conduct market research to comprehend your industry and its norms. The competition is intense — remember the statistics we provided above. Understanding your niche helps you stand out amid the fierce competition. So, get to know other apps in your niche — study their strengths and weaknesses to leverage those insights to enhance your app, surpassing the competition. 

Another essential aspect is to determine your target audience. Here are the questions you can rely on:

  • Who is your app designed for?
  • What benefits will your target audience gain from using your app?
  • How does your app outshine competitors in delivering this value?

Next, formulate your value proposition. Your value proposition is the core identity of your app. While it may evolve, aim for stability and consistency. This ensures immediate brand recognition for users and avoids confusion with competitors.

Step 2. Set KPIs

In aiming for a successful app launch, it’s essential to set measurable benchmarks. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Consider the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess your app’s early-stage performance:

  • Acquisition. Track the number of new downloads within a specific period.
  • Retention. Evaluate the Day X retention after the app launch, indicating the number of users using your app for X days post-launch.
  • Activation. Measure the activation rate, reflecting the number of users who signed up and initiated a free trial or achieved a milestone extracting value from the application.
  • Uninstall. Monitor the churn rate, representing the number of users who deleted your app.

Step 3. Establish your online presence

Your app needs a digital home. Before the official launch, create a website containing comprehensive information about your app. This not only attracts more users but also aids your existing user base by addressing their queries and concerns.

Your app’s website must convey its purpose clearly. Provide a detailed description and use visuals for a preview. Include testimonials if available. Create a sign-up form for email alerts, a crucial step in acquiring initial leads. These alerts can later evolve into a full-fledged newsletter, keeping users engaged beyond app usage.

Step 4. Secure social media accounts

Social media plays a pivotal role in a successful app launch. Utilize various platforms to create awareness and build a user base through media outreach strategies even before the official launch. Run targeted ad campaigns and other marketing initiatives to gain traction on social media.

Utilize your social media channels to showcase the app during its development phase and gather feedback and ideas from your prospective users.

Have an idea for your next app? Learn the strategies to build a stellar app team and ensure the success of your project. Read our guide to efficient app development outsourcing in 2023.

Step 5. Create content

Invest effort in producing content that elucidates the usage of your mobile app or generates excitement around subjects linked to your app and its value proposition. For instance, if your focus is on a fitness app, you can develop content on workout routines, healthy recipes, and fitness tips. This not only sparks early interest in your app but also enhances discoverability by aligning with relevant themes.

Your content arsenal may encompass blog posts, press releases, website copy, email marketing content, and more. Pair this with strategically orchestrated social media engagement, and you’ve secured additional early leads for your app.

Step 6. Prepare a video

A promo/demo video will help to further strengthen your app’s presence and appeal. Craft a video that encapsulates the essence of your app, showcasing its purpose, value proposition, and usage. Elevate your marketing by bringing your messaging to life through visuals. Embed this video across your social posts, landing page, and app store product page to potentially enhance conversion rates.

Step 7. Select the platforms

Once you’ve established a robust online presence and potential user base, decide on the platforms where you want your app to be available. Navigate through their approval processes and initiate the launch procedures. 

Each mobile app store has its own set of rules and regulations for publishing applications. Thoroughly review and get to know these details, preparing your app to meet their specific requirements. 

Step 8. Conduct advertising campaigns

Before the official launch, promote your app. Develop a marketing strategy tailored to your target audience. This ensures that you already have a user base interested in your app even before it goes live.

Step 9. Leverage ASO

After its release, especially within your selected app stores, effective ASO (App Store Optimization) is crucial.

Follow best practices by optimizing your app title with the right keywords. When submitting your app to various stores, ensure thorough completion of relevant categories, increasing the likelihood of users discovering your app while browsing.

Additionally, incorporate clear screenshots on your app’s download page, highlighting the most common use cases. This enhances the appeal and understanding of your app for potential users.

Step 10. Beta release

Prior to releasing your app to the public, consider initiating an invite-only beta launch. This exclusive beta release aims to cultivate a sense of exclusivity around your app while also serving the goal of testing the application and gathering feedback from real-world users. This valuable input allows you to address bugs and UX/UI issues before a widespread application rollout. 

Now, you’re all set to successfully launch your app. Remember that you shouldn’t stop once your app goes public. You should analyze how it all went and whether you met your success criteria (KPIs). Gather feedback from users to further enhance the application. Stay vigilant by monitoring comments on various platforms and social media. Gauge your app’s reception among users, read and respond to their comments and suggestions, and track engagement across channels to stay abreast of trends. The insights garnered from your audience are valuable only when you learn and act upon them. Continuously test new performance updates, address emerging bugs, and consider implementing functionalities recommended by users if deemed relevant.

Regular updates not only ensure the longevity of your app’s relevance but also generate positive word-of-mouth, fostering a strong relationship with your community for future endeavors.


Success for your application involves numerous factors. Every phase of the app lifecycle, from requirements gathering to a stable infrastructure, needs careful contextualization, planning, and mapping. Don’t leave your application launch to chance — adequate prep work provides your product with a strong starting point.

Looking for reliable app developers to ace your app? Contact us for professional assistance. Let our experienced specialists propel your product to the top charts.