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Dedicated Development Team: What Is It And When To Hire It?

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Assembling the perfect team for a software project can be a daunting and challenging task. A myriad of questions is likely to surface, each playing a crucial role in determining the success of your project. Are you entrusting your vision to a team with the right skill set? How do you ensure seamless collaboration among team members? Can the team adapt to the dynamic demands of your project? You can all these challenges by hiring a dedicated development team. About dedicated development teams, their advantages, how they work, and more – learn from our article.

What is a Dedicated Development Team?

A dedicated software development team is an exclusive group assembled to strategize, execute, and deliver extensive projects, focusing on effectively addressing the client’s specific challenges. The client autonomously selects the dedicated team members, specifying the number of specialists and their work schedule. 

Comprising professionals tailored to the client’s requirements, this team is at the client’s disposal for a predetermined duration. Project oversight can be handled directly by the client or by a representative from the company embedded within the team. The distinctive aspect of the Dedicated Team model lies in providing the client with an allocated software team equipped with well-established collaboration and management mechanisms.

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Benefits of a Dedicated Development Team

Working with dedicated software teams can be a big advantage for any business, as long as it’s done in the right way with a trustworthy vendor. Let’s go over some of the common benefits:

  • Cost savings

Hiring a dedicated development team helps businesses avoid many in-house costs. You don’t need to spend on advertising, recruiters, or relocating employees. No need for health insurance, training, or other perks. Plus, you can hire teams from countries with lower hourly rates and save more.

  • Quick start

With a dedicated team, you skip the long process of hiring individuals. The vendor provides a ready-to-go shortlist of candidates. Since the team is from the vendor, they might have worked together before, making it easy to join the workflow and adapt quickly.

  • Control & effort balance

You get to decide how much control you want. Whether it’s hands-on management, selecting team members, or hiring a project manager, you’re in charge. This ensures the project aligns with your vision.

  • Easy scaling

You can pick and choose your team composition and scale it based on your needs. The vendor can recruit additional staff quickly if required, avoiding delays.

  • Transparent pricing

You pay for each team member’s salary plus the vendor fee, which is agreed upon in advance. This pricing model ensures no surprises in the invoice.

  • Adaptability

Dedicated teams aim not just to complete the job but also to integrate seamlessly with your company. They adapt to your culture, processes, and communication methods, making remote work feel like they’re in your office.

  • Focus on your tasks

The dedicated team quickly grasps your company culture and processes. Since they work exclusively for you, their attention is solely on your issues, ready to respond to any feedback or requests promptly.

What is the Typical Structure of a Dedicated Development Team?

A dedicated development team typically consists of various IT specialists tailored to the needs of a specific software project. These may include:

  • Front-end developers for creating the user-facing side of a product
  • Back-end developers to ensure the smooth operation of the code behind the scenes
  • Full-stack developers who combine roles of both front-end and back-end development
  • UX/UI designers to make sure the product is user-friendly and visually appealing
  • Project Manager who focuses on overall product development and release
  • Project Manager who coordinates, manages, and oversees project execution
  • Business Analysts to investigate business situations and market environments, analyzing problems and offering improvements
  • QA Engineers for enhancing software development processes and identifying/eliminating defects in the product
  • DevOps Experts who work with developers and QA engineers to streamline the development lifecycle

Dedicated Software Development: How It Works

As previously mentioned, the dedicated software development approach truly lives up to its name. This model involves a virtual team seamlessly integrated into a client’s software project, operating from the vendor’s office. The dedicated development team is usually meticulously assembled by the vendor, specifically customized for the client’s project. While the vendor handles the sourcing of candidates, the responsibility of establishing the workflow and ensuring synchronization between external and internal teams falls on the client.

Who Needs a Dedicated Software Development Team?

Let’s delve into situations where a dedicated development team truly proves its worth. So you need a dedicated software development team when:

  1. Your in-house development team lacks the time to handle your project, possibly due to unexpected growth or changes.
  2. There’s a specific realm requiring expertise not present within your company, necessitating the skills of a dedicated team.
  3. You want to avoid the time-consuming process of recruitment and human resources activities associated with an in-house team. You need a functional team promptly.
  4. Your project demands scaling up, and waiting for your current developers to complete their tasks isn’t an option.
  5. You require specialists with skills that are challenging to find, and a dedicated team offers access to these rare talents efficiently.

Ready to navigate the journey of hiring the right talent for your dedicated development team? Dive into our comprehensive guide to make informed decisions and ensure success. 

Dedicated Software Development Team: Where To Build It?

Here are the regions that offer optimal conditions for launching your dedicated software development team:

Eastern Europe

When selecting the best countries to establish your dedicated development team, Eastern European countries like Ukraine, Poland, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Romania are globally recognized as prime destinations for this endeavor. Developers in this region boast extensive experience in global software development projects and excel in a variety of technologies, including JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, PHP, Swift, and C++.

Based on the data from several sources like Upwork, PayScale, and SalaryExpert, the average software developer’s hourly rate is around $60.

Launching a dedicated team in Eastern Europe offers advantages such as a convenient time zone, seamless communication, and minimal cultural discrepancies, allowing for budget optimization without compromising quality.

LATAM (Latin America)

LATAM, comprising countries like Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil, is emerging as a growing tech hub, with the region being a preferred destination for US-based companies seeking nearshore opportunities. LATAM offers hourly rates similar to those in Eastern Europe.

LATAM nations share a favorable time zone with the US, making it convenient for businesses to establish dedicated software development teams in this region. 


At RedJumepers, we possess extensive experience in constructing dedicated development teams tailored to our clients’ projects. Collaborating closely with the client, we define the profiles of desired candidates and commence the search process. Following thorough interviews, we present technology specialists who align with our clients’ specific requirements. With over 6 years of experience, we have a proven track record in assembling dedicated development teams for clients globally. Don’t hesitate to contact us today.