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28 qualifying questions for Red Jumpers’ clients to find the best tech candidates for request

How to

Choosing the right contractors for your project is paramount to its success. At Red Jumpers, we understand the importance of finding qualified contractors who can meet your project requirements and goals. To ensure a seamless and effective collaboration, we ask our clients a series of qualifying questions.

28 Qualifying Questions for Clients

Here is what and why we ask you when qualifying contractors for your project:

  1. What’s the tech stack of the project?

We need to understand the specific tech requirements of the project in order to accurately match it with suitable candidates who possess the relevant technical expertise at the desired level.

  1. How many specialists do you need? What’s their expected level?

Knowing the number of specialists required helps us assess the scale of the project and allocate the appropriate resources. It ensures that we identify enough qualified professionals to meet your team’s needs and maintain productivity throughout the project’s duration.

  1. Provide detailed information about the candidate’s skills.

Detailed information about the candidate’s skills allows us to assess their proficiency in specific technologies, programming languages, frameworks, or methodologies relevant to the project. This information helps us evaluate whether the developer has the required technical knowledge and experience to fulfill the project’s objectives. 

  1. What is your anticipated budget? Are you open to allocating additional funds for highly skilled candidates? If yes, what is the upper limit of the investment you are ready to make?

Knowing the upper limit of the investment you are ready to make gives us further clarity on the financial boundaries for contractor selection, enabling us to focus on those who match your budget and offer the desired level of skills and experience.

  1. What is the duration of the project?

Knowing the duration of a project is crucial because it helps determine whether the potential contractors have the necessary resources, availability, and capability to meet your project’s timeline and deliverables.

  1. Provide a brief summary of the project, including its industry or domain classification.

Understanding the nature of your project and its specific domain allows us to grasp the context and requirements involved. This helps us better assess the skills and expertise needed from our specialists to ensure successful execution.

  1. What functionality should be implemented?

This question allows us to create a clear understanding of your project’s scope and deliverables, enabling us to find the most suitable contractors for your needs.

  1. What stage is the project currently at? Is it a new or ongoing project?

Knowing the stage of the project allows us to tailor our search and match you with professionals who are experienced in the appropriate phase, ensuring they can contribute effectively to your project’s success and seamlessly integrate into your existing workflows, if applicable. 

  1. Are there any issues or important details we should know about the project?

By being aware of any issues or critical details from the outset, we can better match them with suitable candidates who have the necessary skills and experience to address those issues effectively. 

  1. What is the start date of the project?

We ask clients about the start date of the project to understand the timeline and urgency associated with their project. This info helps us prioritize candidates who are available and can align their schedules with the project’s timeline.

  1. Which channels of reporting, tracking, and communication will be used?

Understanding your preferred communication channels helps us establish clear lines of communication, provide regular updates, address any concerns promptly, and maintain transparency between all stakeholders involved.

  1. What’s the time zone in which the project operates?

By knowing the time zone, we can match clients with contractors who can accommodate their working schedule, enhancing communication, collaboration, and project progress. It also helps us verify that the potential contractors have the flexibility and availability to work within the required time zone

  1. Do you have any relevant project materials or documentation that can provide further insight into the nature and scope of the project?

We want to provide potential contractors with any additional project materials and documentation so they have a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements, objectives, and deliverables, and can provide more accurate estimates.

  1. What are the main criteria for candidate selection?

Understanding your criteria for selecting contractors helps us choose specialists who have the necessary skills, experience, and resources as well as compatible culture, values, and working approach.

  1. Do you require any supplementary services such as UX/UI design, quality assurance (QA), business analysis, or prototyping for the project?

Identifying these supplementary services upfront enables the selection of contractors with the necessary skills and experience in the specific domains and allows for more accurate planning.

  1. Have you encountered any challenges during the candidate search process? If so, what were the specific difficulties or obstacles you faced?

Understanding any past challenges or difficulties in the contractors search process helps us ensure a more effective recruitment strategy and overcome potential obstacles.

  1. Have you worked with another team before, and if so, why did the collaboration end?

By understanding the factors that led to the end of previous partnerships, we can assess the compatibility and suitability of potential partners for the current project. It allows for identifying any potential issues or challenges that may arise during the collaboration, addressing them proactively, and ensuring a successful partnership that aligns with the client’s objectives and expectations.

  1. What are your expectations for the work process?

This question helps clarify your expectations regarding collaboration, communication, deliverables, and overall project management and enables us to select contractors who align with those expectations and can effectively meet them throughout the project.

  1. Provide an overview of the candidate selection process and its stages.

Having a clear understanding of the selection process helps in aligning expectations, promoting transparency, and facilitating seamless and efficient collaboration between you and the chosen contractor.

  1. What should the candidate’s CV look like?

We want to understand your preferences and requirements regarding the presentation of the contractor’s qualifications and determine what elements should be included in the candidate’s CV, such as a clear and concise summary of their relevant skills, professional experience, educational background, certifications, and any notable achievements or projects.

  1. Are there any specific types of candidates that you will not consider or accept for the project?

Identifying the candidates that are not suitable or desirable saves time and effort by focusing on candidates who meet your criteria and are more likely to be a good fit for the project.

  1. Who currently makes up the project team?

By understanding the composition of the current team, we can identify any skill gaps or areas where additional expertise may be required. This information allows us to find candidates who can complement the existing team members and bring in specialized knowledge or skills.

  1. List must-have and nice-to-have skills for the project.

Having a clear understanding of both the must-have and nice-to-have skills allows us to evaluate potential candidates based on their capabilities, expertise, and alignment with the project’s requirements.

  1. What soft skills do you expect from candidates?

Soft skills are personal attributes and interpersonal abilities that contribute to effective communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and overall team dynamics. Collecting information about the expected soft skills enables us to evaluate their ability to work well with the client and other team members, handle challenges, and adapt to changing project requirements.

  1. What is the developer’s role and expected responsibilities on this project?

Understanding the expectations placed on the developer helps in assessing whether the candidates have the necessary skills, experience, and expertise required to fulfill the role effectively. 

  1. What financial and organizational aspects need to be clarified before we begin working together?

Resolving these matters beforehand helps to avoid misunderstandings, fosters a smooth working relationship between you and the contractor, and sets expectations for a successful collaboration.

  1. What other candidate search channels do you use?

Uncovering these additional channels broadens the scope of the search and increases the chances of finding highly qualified candidates who may not be accessible through traditional channels alone.

  1. Is there anything else you’d like to share?

This question is aimed at giving you an opportunity to provide any additional information, requirements, or considerations that may not have been covered in previous questions.

How do we choose contractors?

When choosing contractors, we follow a rigorous selection process to ensure the best fit for your project. First, we analyze your project requirements, objectives, and desired outcomes. Then, we evaluate potential contractors based on their expertise, experience, track record, and alignment with your specific needs. We assess their capabilities, resources, and compatibility with your organizational culture. We also consider factors such as communication skills, responsiveness, and their ability to meet deadlines.

At Red Jumpers, we have a vast network of over 7,000 skilled developers and a strong partnership with more than 750 companies. With a proven track record of successfully delivering projects, we have executed over 250 contracts and established collaborations with clients from 30+ countries worldwide. Our extensive experience and global reach ensure that we can find contractors who possess the right expertise and understanding of diverse markets.

To further reinforce our commitment to excellence, we invite you to explore the testimonials and reviews from our satisfied clients on Clutch. These testimonials serve as proof of our expertise, professionalism, and ability to deliver exceptional results.

“They asked every possible question to find the right people for our needs.”

Ruslana Gudenok, CEO at DriveFoxCopy

“Red Jumpers always looks for ways to make the relationship work for both of us.”

Syune Hayrapetyan,

Relationship Manager,
Yoocollab LTD

“As a small company, the level of personal attention they gave us really mattered.”

Head of Augmented IT Team, 

IT Business Studio

Ready to broaden your network and collaborate with Red Jumpers? Join us as a partner and unlock opportunities to share your projects or find new projects for your talented employees on the bench. Let’s create a mutually beneficial partnership that drives growth and success. Contact us now!

Final word

Contractor qualification is a critical factor in the success of any organization seeking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By thoroughly evaluating and selecting partners, businesses can ensure they have the right expertise, deliver comprehensive solutions, maximize profitability, maintain reliability, and expand their service offerings.

Looking for skilled professionals for your project? Contact us and we’ll help you find the perfect match for your specific project needs.